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rst truly american writer f rom whom we are descended. A.Washington Irving B.Cooper C.Hawthorne D.Mark Twain 答案:D 您的答案: D 题目分数: 2.0 此题得分: 2.0 29 .第 42题______ is not a character in the novel The Scarlet Letter. A.Arthur Dimmesdale B.Roger Chillingworth C.Goodman Brown D.Pearl 答案:C 您的答案: C 题目分数: 2.0 此题得分: 2.0 30 .第 43题 Tales of the Grotesque a nd Arabesque isa collection of stories written by ---. A.Washington Irving B. Edgar Allen Poe C.Nathaniel Hawthorne 答案:B 您的答案: B 题目分数: 2.0 此题得分: 2.0 31 .第 44题 The writer who once said that all american literature came f rom Mark Twain ’s Huck Finn is ___. A.William Faulkner B.Stephen Crane C.Ernest Hemingway D.Chairman 答案:C 您的答案: C 题目分数: 2.0 此题得分: 2.0 32 .第 45题 Pound ’s poem “ the river-merchant ’s wife ” was translated f rom a poem by the chinese poet


