
朗文3H少儿英语教材《Hip Hip Hooray》 level 2

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s it? It’s _______ o’ clock. It’s (one). Is he/she ____? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn ’ t. Where ’s the __________? Here it is. Classroom Language Hurry! Walk fast! Write fast! Sit down fast! Walk slowly Stand up slowly Sit down slowly Learning Objectives To tell the story “ The Elves and the Shoemaker ” To ask the time To tell time To sing a song To ask about and tell time To ask questions about someone ’s actions To give short answers about someone ’s actions Tom identify rooms ina house To indicate where a room is To recognize the letters Kk and Qq To distinguish and produce the sounds /k/ and /kw/ To review or assess key vocabulary and key language patterns To review or assess letter-sound recognition To assess key vocabulary and language using a performance-based task To play a game


