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boot move shoe group Р z zero was dazzle flew blue rude Рexample (/gz/) Р ʌ cut some blood does Р ʃ fishing sure station tension Р ə: bird burn fern worm earn РVICIOUS chevron Р journal Рʒ pleasure vision rouge Рh hot whole ə cupboard the colour actor Рm sum hammer calm bomb nation danger asleep Р sun funny know gnaw Рn ei make pray prey steak vein Р sung sink Рŋ gauge Рl led balloon battle Р note soap soul grow sew toe Рr red marry wriggle rhubarb əʊР j yet onion use new Europe ɑi bite pie buy try guide sigh Рw wet one when queen (/kw/) aʊ now spout plough Рx loch Р oi boy poison lawyer Р iə here beer weir appear fierce Р ɛə there hair bear bare their prayer Р ʊə poor tour sure Р eiə player Р əʊə lower Р aiə tire Р aʊə tower Р oiə employer Рfrom Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


