hour. Idohope you can e, and very much regret any inconvenience the postponement may cause you. 28. 蒸汽所占的空间为形成蒸汽的水的一千七百多倍。 Steam occupies more than 1,700 times as much space the water from which es. 29. 为进行月面探测,人们一次又一次地发射火箭。 To explore the moon ’s surface, rockets were launched again and again. 30. 在他们的语言中,就有一些同时间有联系的词:时间可以安排、节省、浪费、侵占、消磨和节减等。 In their language, there are words associated with time: time can be budgeted, saved, wasted, stolen, killed, and cut. 31. 许多美国人对一生时间的短促相当敏感。他们要让每分钟都有价值。 Many American people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. They want every minute to count. 32. 我们去东湖野生植物园吧。骑车 30 分钟就到了。那儿风景如画,还可以野餐呢。 Let ’s go to the Wild Plant Garden in the East Lake. It’s just 30 minutes ’ riding. The scene there is picturesque. And we can have a ic there.