Terms improper make them just and plain. Thus 'tis afaithful Friend will freedom use ; But Authors, partial totheir Darling Muse, Think toprotect itthey have just pretence, And atyour Friendly Counsel take offence. Said you ofthis, that the Expression's flat ? Your Servant, Sir ;you must excuse methat, Heanswers you. This word has here nograce, Pray leave itout :That, Sir's the proper'st place. This Turn Ilike not :'Tis approv'd byall. Thus, resolute not from afault tofall. Ifthere's aSyllable ofwhich you doubt, 'Tis asure Reason not toblot itout. Yet still hesays you may his Faults confute, And over him your pow'r isabsolute :-14- But ofhis feign'd Humility take heed ; Tis aBait lay'd, tomake you hear him read : And when heleaves you, happy inhis Muse, Restless heruns some other toabuse,