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The great thing about sandwiches is that they are simple to make and you can eat them anywhere. ___3___And you must have sandwiches if you go ona ic. A trip toa park or the countryside wouldn ’t plete without sandwiches and a flask ( 小水瓶) of tea at lunchtime. There is white bread and brown bread.___4___You can buy a loaf of bread in slices or whole. Different countries make different kinds of bread. One very popular kind is the French baguette ( 长条形面包). This bread is in the shape ofa long stick. You tear a piece off the baguette and eat it with other foods. It’s great for mopping up sauce with! A. They are great for home or work or school lunch. B. Bread should be kept at low temperatures. C. How do people eat bread? D. Next they cook dough in the oven. E. Bread es in all shapes and sizes.


