edgels into straight line segment.) .页眉. .页脚. 33. 一阶微分算子和二阶微分算子进行边缘检测的依据是什么? 试分别给出两算子一种模板表示,并指明是何种算子。( Why the first-order derivative and second-order derivative operators can detect the image edge? Please list masks for two operators respectively and name it clearly .) 一阶微分检测边缘的依据是边缘灰度曲线的一阶导数具有极值,如 Roberts 梯度算子,其模板为: 二阶微分检测边缘的依据是边缘灰度曲线的二阶导数过零点, 如拉普拉斯算子, 其模板为: 34. 区域生长的基本思想是什么?在实际应用区域生长法时需要解决哪三个问题? ( What is the theory of“ region growing ”? what kind of three issues should we e when we use “ region growing ” approach? ) 三个需要解决的问题: a) 选择一组能正确代表所需区域的种子像素; b) 确定在生长过程中能将相邻像素合并的准则; c) 制定让生长过程停止的条件或准则; 35. 试基于 4 -方向链码, 分别给出图中轮廓的归一化链码、差分链码。( Please give normalized chain code, first difference of chain code for following boundary based on 4-code .) 1- 1-0 -14 -1 0 -1 -100 -1 -18 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1