Р Рments (补充说明) Invoice Line Total (货物总价值) Р Discount/Rebate (折扣) Р Invoice Sub-Total(发票价值小计) РUPS Friendly reminder(UPS温馨提示): The more detail info of the goods description will help to avoid delays and facilitate clearance. The description should answer (提供详细的货物品名描述将有利于提高清关速度). : 1.What is modity? (1.货物名称)2. What is it made of? (2.货物材质)3. What is posed of? (3.组成成分,例如70%尼龙,30%棉) 4. What is it used for? (4.货物用途). e.g. Iron screw for flashlight (例如:用于手电筒上的铁制螺丝丁。) Freight Charges (运费) Р Insurance (保险费) Р Others-Specify Type (其它费用-请说明) Р Invoice Total Amount(发票价值总计) РI DECLARE ALL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE INVOICE Date Currency Code (币制) РTO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.我声明发票上所填信息均真实准确。日期 Total Number of Packages (总件数) РShipper Signature / Title Total Weight(总重量) Р发货人签名/ 职位 LBS or KGS (请列明磅或公斤)