

上传者:似水流年 |  格式:xls  |  页数:220 |  大小:53KB

Alarm alert generated by the previously set alarm is active. Р34 8.9.2 Wireless controls Interaction while WiFi module is on - Calendar event To verify the system is stable when Calendar events occurs after event date/time has due. Р35 8.9.2 Wireless controls Interaction while WiFi module is on - Battery low warming To make the system works correctly when low battery alert occurs once the battery power falls below a certain level. Р36 8.9.2 Wireless controls Interaction while WiFi module is on - Memory low warming To verify the stability of the system when memory low alert with dialog occurs as a result of low storage memory in the system. Р37 8.9.2 Wireless controls Interaction while WiFi module is on - Charger plug/uplug To check the system is stable when a charger is plugged/unplugged.


