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it changed. when her older brother, Tyler, taught himself to go to college and left home to study. Tyler encouraged Tara to leave the mountains and pass the ACT to go to BYU. ?At the age of 17, Tara went to class for the first time, but college was a strange world to her. She didn't know what a paper, she didn't know what a textbook, she even thought of Europe as a country...РIntroduction of EducatedРРDuring the period of studying, what the professor told her and what the book told her was totally gave her a new look at the world.?Tara endured the pain of infidelity, with her own efforts and constant encouragement, she began to reshape her life, eventually received a master's and doctorate.РIntroduction of EducatedРРFamily and EducationРР03РInfluence by Original Family ??What is Education


