

上传者:梦溪 |  格式:pptx  |  页数:23 |  大小:6154KB

f religious meaning, that is a symbol of resurrection of Jesus out of the Tomb. ?Nowadays, Easter eggs are in order to bring happiness to people. These beautiful and decorative eggs represent the people's good wishes and share the joy of the season change.РEgg HuntingРOn Easter morning, the children hunt for the eggs all around the house. Neighborhoods anizations hold Easter egg hunts, and the child who finds the most eggs wins a prize.РEgg RollingРIt is a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from Jesus Christ‘s tomb when he was resurrected. ?It is the only day of the year when tourists are allowed to wander over the White House lawn. The wife of the President sponsors(发起) it for the children of the entire country. It is open to children twelve years old and under.


