
Early Settlement of Colonial America:殖民地美国早期殖民地

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ter was Pocahontas Jamestown ? Matoaka – this is the Indian name for Pocahontas ? She would help save Jamestown and marry a planter named John Rolfe ? They visited England where she died and is buried. Jamestown ? John Rolfe came from the Caribbean with Spanish o seeds ? He mixed them with the Virginia o and made the plant better. ? He turned o into “ Virginia Gold ”? Plantations - large farms – Cash crop economy Jamestown ? The plantation owners could participate in the Headright system : – If they paid membership in the pany and paid for passage for any member of their family, including servants, they would get 50 acres of land for each person over the age of 15 . – The more land they owned, the more o they could plant and thus make more money – More land=More money


