
牛津译林版英语八年级上Unit2 Task课件

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Finish time??Lunchtime?□ 7 a.m??□ 3 p.m??□ fifteen minutes?□ 7:30 a.m??□ 3:30 p.m??□ half an hour?□ 8 a.m??□ 4 p.m??□ an hour ?□ 8:30 a.m??□ 4:30 p.m??□ one hour and a half?□ 9 a.m??□ 5 p.m??□ two hours?Subjects??Facilities(设施) ? After-School activities ?□ Maths??□ Park??□ Chess Club?□ English??□ Football field?□ School trip?□ Computer??□ Library??□ Support Club?□ PE???□ Shopping Mall?□ Music Club?□ Art???□ Swimming Pool?□ Reading ClubРMy ideal schoolР√Р√Р√Р√Р√Р√Р√Р√Р√РР1. Where can Daniel eat lunch?Р2. What else can Daniel do at lunchtime?РIn a big dining hall.РHe can listen to music.РStep3:Read and answerР3. How often does Daniel go on a school trip?РEvery month.РР4. Does Daniel want to wear a tie every day?Р5. How many students are there in each class?РNo, he doesn’t.РAbout 20 students.


