medical community医学界)61Рmethod of fighting heart disease has had some unintended side 62Р(effect)such as overweight and heart disease-the very thing the medicalРcommunity was trying to fightР1. When fat and salt(removed from foodР2.They are require__(progress) the food that we eatР不会变型Р■考查词汇Р■考查句子的分析理解能力РРР2问题本质的思考Р短文改错РBefore getting into the car, i thought I had learned theРinstructors orders, so once I started the car, my mindРgoes blank.РIt was a relief and i came to a sudden stop just in theРmiddle on the roadР死活找不出错误医生看病的例子Р■考查词汇Р■考查句子的分析理解能力。РРР2问题本质的思考Р书面表达РWe ll still meet at my school but not on Saturday as usualРsince I ll have to participate in a sporting activity that day.Р只会几个小学初中单词。Р只会写简单句而且简单句也都是错误。Р不会写高级句子,作文上不了栏次。Р■考查词汇Р■考查句子的分析理解能力。РРР邛3高考试题分析的结论Р高考英语所考查的本质РB3)句子分析能力词汇量