r five daughters - Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia with the purpose of getting married with a rich husband that can support the family. They are not from the upper class, and their house in Hartfordshire will be inherited by a distant cousin if Mr. dies.РWhen the wealthy bachelor Mr. Bingley and his best friend Mr. Darcy arrive in town to spend the summer in a mansion nearby their property, the shy and beautiful Jane falls in love for Mr. Bingley, and Lizzie finds Mr. Darcy a snobbish and proud man, and she swears to loathe him forever. This is the beginning of their wonderful love story.Р班纳特夫妇有五位女儿待字闺中,其中伊丽莎白是位既聪慧又有主见的女子。一位富有的单身贵族达西先生就住在附近。班纳特一家尤其是伊丽莎白,对骄傲的达西渐生厌恶。虽然达西和伊丽莎白分别因傲慢与偏见而冷落对方,浑然不知自己的真实心意,但是他们的确彼此吸引。最后,在伊丽莎白的妹妹丽迪雅与人私奔之后,是达西挽救了她的名声。自此达西和伊莎白渐渐消除了误解,他们尽释前嫌,终于订婚。РEmma?(1815年)