g translation "better off") was born in 1902 in the United States is known as the city of car of Detroit. Years, Cadillac in auto industry created innumerable first, created many luxury car industry standard; Can say the history of the United States represents the Cadillac luxury car history.Р日本雷克萨斯РLexus (Lexus) is the Toyota pany of Japan its luxury car brand, it was first proposed in 1983, but only with more than 10 years of time, since 1999, in the United States sold more than Mercedes, BMW, the best-selling luxury car brand.Р德国奥迪РAudi is famous auto developer and manufacturer, the logo for four rings. Now for the Volkswagen, a subsidiary of pany, based in Germany was the gore tut, the main products are A1, A2, the A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, Q5, Q7, R8 and RS performance series and so on.