
新编跨文化英语交际Unit3-01 Cultural Diversity-课件·PPT

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riendships.Р2. Do people from different countries usually have different expectations about what constitutes friendship and how es into being?? Yes. The difficulty for strangers from two countries to e friends lies in their different expectations about what constitutes friendship and how es into being.Р2017/7/13Р9РUnit3-01РReading I. Different lands , different friendships.Р3. How is friendship in America different from friendship in West Europe?? In West Europe, friendship is quite sharply distinguished from other more casual relationships, is usually more particularized and carries a heavier burden' mitment, while in America the word "friend" can be applied to a wide range of relationship and a friendship may be superficial, casual, situational or deep and enduring.Р2017/7/13Р10РUnit3-01


