of merce in TaobaoРUbiquity? /Web technology available everywhere: work, home, etc., and anytimeРInformation density? Vast increases in information density – the total amount and quality of information available to all market participantsРUbiquityРPromotion :РMicro blog?Renren station ?Web portals ?EDM (Email Direct Marketing)РUbiquityРA large number of advertisement outside :?Underground ?Video?Bus shelterРSource: /show_detail.jsp?id=8040РAdvantages – UbiquityРCustomers and potential customers can get the up-to-date news and information?Understand more about the products and sellers as well as suppliers?To be known by more and more people?Use different kinds of promotion like EDMРIncreasing growth in the ?Search volume in Google as well as in the reports.РSource: nds/?q=taobaoРWell known