
(广东地区)2019年中考英语复习专题十八短文填空(试卷部分)课件 (2)

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ing that it will send ?a film group to record their day-to-day life 1    technology for a month.?When the film group meet 2    Smiths, they find that Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two sons ?are so crazy about technology that 3    hardly do things together. At mealtimes, no one 4    at ?the dining table for their food.“Everyone just runs into the kitchen, takes their food and then goes ?back to their screen,”Mrs. Smith explains.“ 5    we don't make a change, our family will be-?come strangers to each other!”?Getting back to the normal life without the is not 6    , especially when the Smiths lose ?themselves in it. They have to make many 7    . For example, the two brothers have to go to the ?school 8    to borrow books for their scientific projects, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith need to go out


