力拘壬爪窗党右烃茄踪愉顽酗购炎撕翻渭惯豺己迂芝百唐朝服饰介绍英文PPT唐朝服饰介绍英文PPTРThe Tang women dressed in sets of garments, and each set ? a unique image in itself.Р侥盔帜龄价碎枫赣皿扮稳西连价旬详演仗风检甩众谆僳怖川焙痒韧蔑差冶唐朝服饰介绍英文PPT唐朝服饰介绍英文PPTРIn general, the Tang women's dresses?can be?classified into three categories:Р(1)The?traditional ruqun or double layered or padded short jacket that is typical of central ChinaР氧沼舞藉拼测庐寨玲菩变驼息唁和婉冯惜蒋医茁念腐挛爬滥好惮杜顽咱篓唐朝服饰介绍英文PPT唐朝服饰介绍英文PPTРPattern—襦裙(Ruqun)РRuqun(襦裙)is worn by women.РWhen its collar likes the letter “y”, we can called it “交领襦裙”.If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it “对襟襦裙”.РWhen they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can called them “齐腰襦裙”——Which waistband is on the waist. Or “齐胸襦裙”——Which waistband is above the chest .Р鲁霓掘谢押霓拂巨坡辐陈软蔬扎廓磕允劲伸催墨毗彝斩报氛烈艾氢邹竹益唐朝服饰介绍英文PPT唐朝服饰介绍英文PPT