mall TV?РIdentify places to make purchasesРMake purchasesРIdentify articles of clothingРDescribe clothingРDescribe items in a storeРReviewРLESSONРLESSONР1РLESSONРLESSONРLESSONР2Р3Р4Р5РTeam ProjectР1РWhat will you buy?РWhere can you shop?Р2РLesson 1 ShoppingРGoal: Identify places to make purchasesР3РWould you like go shopping?Р4Рblouse [blauz]Рdress [dres]Рmusic ['mju:zik] player ['pleiə]Рsneakers ['sni:kəs]Рdictionary ['dikʃənəri]РWhere do you shop for these items?Р5РYou shop for a book/dictionary at a .РbookstoreР6РI shop for food at a .РsupermarketР7Рshe shops for dresses at a .Рclothing storeР8РHe shops for shoes at a .Рshoe storeР9РRead about Van.РAРVan starts school on Monday. She needs a dictionary , sneakers , new blouses , a digital music player , and food for lunches .РLESSONР1Р10