ald, and very red, and though (of course) an undeniably fine infant,somewhat crushed and spotty in his general effect, as yet. ? 董贝约四十八岁,小董贝出世约四十八分钟。董贝的头微秃,脸孔微红,虽然他仪表堂堂,身材匀称,可是神色过分严厉和傲慢,因而不讨人喜欢;小董贝的头很秃,脸孔很红,他无疑是一个可爱的婴孩,可看上去皱皱巴巴、斑斑点点的。РHer face had latterly changed with changing states of mind, continually fluctuating between beauty and ordinariness, according as the thoughts were gay or grave. One day she was pink and flawless; another pale and tragical. When she was pink she was feeling less than when pale; her more perfect beauty accorded with her less elevated mood; her more intense mood with her less perfect beauty. It was her best face physically that was now set against the south wind.? 近来她的面容总是随着心境而不断变化:轻松愉快时,脸庞美丽动人,抑郁忧伤时则风韵皆无;面色有时红润美艳,有时苍白凄婉。较之冲动的心绪,平和的心境更能令其容貌完美无暇。此刻南风拂面,她的脸颊最为妩媚。