- I feel ill / bad. I have a…? 学习关于看病的新单词、词组和用语:? twice, candy, broken, finger, maybe, careful, ? be careful? I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe I …?3. 理解过去时态的使用,并学习动词的过去式;?4. 学习如何表述生病的病状、病因及身体状况。РA: You don’t look well, …? What’s the matter with you??B: I feel ill / bad / tired... ? I have a ... ?A: I’m sorry to hear that.РLet’s talk:Р让学生看图片与同位模仿老师进行情景对话。Р请学生在班上展示他们的对话。РI has a stomachache.РMaybe I ate some bad food.РYou should see a doctor.РHe has a toothache.РMaybe he ate too much candy.РHe should brush teeth twice a day.РShe has a headache.РMaybe she could?not sleep well last night.РShe should take some medicine.Рtooth + ache = toothache?head + ache = headache?stomach + ache = stomachache?back + ache = backacheР-ache “痛,疼痛”РShe has a cold.РMaybe she wore wet clothes.РShe should take a rest.