Unit 7 How many stars does each group have?Р南沙区金洲小学招东红РSing a song: ?One hundred Indian boys.РTen little, twenty little, thirty little Indian.?Forty little , fifty little, sixty little Indian.?Seventy little, eighty little, y little Indian.?One hundred Indian boys.Р闯关大挑战РRound 1РRound 4РRound 3РRound 2РPresent(礼物)Р83Р72Р99Р58Р65Р34Р46Р+Р=Р口算比赛Р35Р42Р+Р=Р口算比赛Р25Р33Р+Р=Р口算比赛Р48Р36Р84Р+Р=Р口算比赛Р51Р11Р62Р用has 或have 填空。?1.I a pen.?2.She two rulers.?3.He twelve books.?4.You thirty –two crayons.?5.We fifteen red flowers.?6.It four legs.?7.They fifty-five pencils.РhasРhasРhasРhaveРhaveРhaveРhaveРOne pig has legs.РTwo pigs have legs.РThree pigs have twelve legs.РFour pigs have sixteen legs.РPlay a gameРeightРfour