teacher?一个红色小球?A small red ball?一把轻的黑色的雨伞?A light black umbrellaРreviewР一个脏的白色杯子?A dirty white cup?一本薄的绿色的书?A thin green book?一位帅的美国男演员?A handsome American actor?一个重的紫色盘子?A heavy purple plateРKaren: William! Wake up!?William: Mm. What’s the matter??Karen: Listen! There’s a noise in the living-room. It’s a burglar!?William: A burglar? Nonsense!РWilliam: You’re right! There’s a noise in the kitchen now! It is a burglar!?Karen: Shh!РKaren: There’s a torch here.?William: Give me the torch, please.РKaren: Here it is. Oh, William! Please be careful!?William: Shh! There is someone downstairs.РWilliam: Who’s there? Who is it??Lucy: It’s me, Dad! I’m wide-awake, and I’m? hungry.РbackРWilliam: We’re all wide-awake now!?Karen: Oh, well! No harm done!РLook at those pictures!Рliving roomРbedroomРhouse