xcept the density maximum of evolution(密度最大) to the end.Рthe subject will disappear?(主体将消失)РA density of black hole is the center of the infinite(无限大), the curvature of spacetime(时空曲率) is infinite,Рblack hole(黑洞)Рinfinite small volume(体积) high singularity(奇点) and around a portion of (一部分)absolutely empty(空空如也) sky. It will suck(吸噬) everything (including light)РIt will die and spit all suck things?他将死亡(产生白洞)并吐出一切吸噬的东西Рcan only through the boundary(边界) outward movement.but not the reverse movement. A white hole is jet source(喷射源) in the universe(宇宙), the white hole can provide the material and energy to the outside areas (and spray(喷射) light)Рwhite hole(白洞)РSpecial celestial(天体) coincided with(正好) the inverse of(与......相反) a black hole. Gathered(聚集) at the white hole inside the material(物质).