
unit5 section A 3a 修改版

上传者:幸福人生 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:34 |  大小:3725KB

快速阅读全篇, 选择文章大意。РFast readingРA . American people like products made in China РC. Americans hardly avoid buying products made in America.РB. Kang Jian’s difficult search for products made in America.РWhat’s the passage mainly about?РageРfromРwhere to travelР17 years oldРShanghaiРthe USAРSometimes we can get the main idea from the title.? (标题)РIn which paragraph do you find the answers?? (段落)РThe Difficult Search for American Products in the USРCareful readingРRead paragraph 1 and tell T or F.РKang Jian went to the US with his aunt and uncle. ( )Р Many products in the local shops in the US were made in China. ( )Р Kang Jian can easily buy an American-made toy car in the US. ( )РFРTРFРto visit his aunt and uncle.РnotРEven though most of the toys were American brands,?They were made in China.


