
合肥工业大学英语语言学课件chap.6 pragmatics

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nherent property of language itself, but ? begin to investigate meaning together with ? context of language use. ? ? And when the context is involved, the ? traditional semantics pragmatics.Р6.1 IntroductionРThe distinction between semantics and ? pragmatics is to see, whether the context of ? language use is considered in the study of ? meaning.РQ: what’s the distinction between ? semantics & pragmatics?Р6.1 IntroductionР6.1.3 Context(语境)? Generally speaking, context is thought to be ? constituted by the knowledge shard by both ? the speaker and the hearer.Р6.1 IntroductionРIn a narrow sense, it refers to the words, ? clauses, sentences in which a linguistic ? expression appears. This is known as linguistic ? context which may cover a paragraph, a whole ? chapter and even the entire book.


