an arctic hare?北极兔РQuestionsРWhat's over there? РWhat does he want to do?РWhat’s over there??What’s over there??A bear, a bear?A big, big bear?A big, big polar bear.РWhat’s he doing over there??What’s he doing over there??A bear, a bear?A big, big bear?A big, big polar bear.?He wants to catch a hare.?He wants to catch a hare.?A bear, a bear?A big, big bear?A big, big polar bear.РHe jumps in the water.Р2018/6/23РHe swims across the lake.Р2018/6/23РHe walks through the snow.Р2018/6/23РHe runs up the hill.Р2018/6/23Рjump in the waterРswim across the lakeРwalk through the snowРrun up the hill