

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:29 |  大小:0KB

harks can detect prey solely by smell, and the hungrier the shark, the less stimulant needed to elicit a reaction.РSharks are sensitive to light and can detect certain objects even in murky water. Some have a tapetum lucidum, a mirror like layer under the retina of the eye that reflects ing light and increases the amount of light available to the eye. (Cats and other animals whose eyes "glow in the dark" also have this feature.)РSharks do have ears, but the role of hearing in the shark's location of prey is not well understood. A shark can detect sound waves and disturbances in the water with its lateral line, or lateralis, system. This is a series of thin canals, filled with water, that runs along the animal's side. The canals are attached to nerves that send signals to the shark's brain.


