0 oCР(b) 200 oCР(c) 250 oCРHardness and Young’s Modulus of Ag Films on Different SubstratesРThe electrical resistivity of printed Ag line was evaluated by measuring? the resistance and cross-sectional area.Р Due to the CTE difference between the Ag lines and the substrate, the Ag? lines on PI and glass pressive and tensile residual stress, thus? resulting in lower electrical resistivity of Ag lines on PIР The elastic modulus and hardness of printed Ag films was obtained by? nanoindentation test. The properties of substrate are related to the? measured mechanical properties of Ag filmsР The Young’s modulus, hardness and electrical resistivity of Ag films are? significantly affected by the substrate materials.РAg FilmРGlassРPIРE (GPa)Р37.1Р62.7Р2.8РР0.37Р0.2Р0.34РCTE?(10-6m/moC)Р19.6Р3.2Р40