es (variation in secondary growth)? no cork tissue, having epidermis ? 龙胆、威灵仙.? no cork tissue, having metaepidermis? 细辛. ? no cork tissue, having metaderm? 川乌、草乌? having pith 龙胆、川乌、草乌.Р1.1.2 Microscopic Identification (Mi.)Р(1) Dicotyledonous Roots. ? ③ Abnormal Structure ? poly-cyclic concentric vascular bundles ? 多轮同心性异型维管束—牛夕,商陆等. ? additional vascular bundle? 附加维管柱,何首乌? included phloem ? 内函韧皮部, 华山参(茄科植物) ? interxylary cork? 木间木栓或内涵周皮, 秦艽Р1.1.2 Microscopic Identification (Mi.)Р木栓层Р皮层Р韧皮部Р形成层Р木质部Р韧皮部Р木质部Р皮层Р木栓形成层Р韧皮束Р导管束Р何首乌Р牛膝Р秦艽Р(1) Monocotyledonous Roots. ? ① Basic Structure? epidermis ? cortex (relatively broad) ? endodermis (well-marked and ? having casparian strip ) ? determinate vascular bundles ? phloem? xylem? pith consisting of parenchymaР1.1.2 Microscopic Identification (Mi.)