
前景基础英语视听说教程教学参考书2 unit1

上传者:徐小白 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:26 |  大小:3631KB

lp me.?M: Sorry, but I have to refuse.?Q: What is the man going to do?РAРBР2.Р√РScriptР3.РAРBРW: Where is Jeremy??M: He is on the plane that is taking off.?Q: Which plane is Jeremy in?Р√РScriptР4.РAРBРM: Could you hand me the file, please??W: Sure, here you are.?Q: What is the woman going to do?Р√РScriptР5.РAРBРW: What is President Obama doing??M: He is getting off the plane.?Q: What is President Obama doing?Р√РScriptРIV. Listen and choose the most proper responses to the ? sentences you have heard. Each sentence will be read twice.Р1. ? A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I would. C. Yes, I like.?2. ? A. This is Mike speaking. ? B. I am Mike. ? C. Yes, you are.?3. ? A. I am here. B. Yes, they are here. C. Thank you.РWould you like some water?РHello, can I speak to Mike?РHere are your medicines.Р√Р√Р√


