解析]因为“murder(凶杀)”是各种“crimes(犯罪)”行为中的一种,所以与“murder(凶杀)”并列应是“其他各种犯罪行为”,故选B。Р[例4] When Christ was born nearly two thousand years ago, many people, rich and _______, gave him presents.?A. ill?B. healthy?C. poor?D. tallР相对关系Р[解析]因为由句意可知,应当是指“耶稣出生时,许多人,无论贫富,都给他礼物”,故选择与rich相对意义的poor,即选C。РNobel was upset to find out not that he had died, but that, when his time was up, he would be thought of only as one who profited from _____and destruction. ?A. death B. disease C. trouble D. attackР1. A。与destruction (毁灭)并列应当是death(死亡),故选A。Р即时练习Р2. The poverty(贫困) was worse than anything my panions had ever imagined. Back in the hotel, an air of sadness settled over the group. Many ________and cried. ? gave up B. broke down ? C. set off D. held onР2. B。与cried(哭)并列应当是break down(情绪失控),故选B。