
BEC 商务英语 Business Travel PPT幻灯片

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es to flight detailsРSample AnswerРTo: All the :?Subject: Changes to flight details?We have just heard that there is going to be a strike by air traffic controllers in Paris next week, so all flights to Paris will be diverted to Lyons. The strike could last only a short time, but there is no guarantee of this.?Therefore, we can give you a refund on your ticket, or alternatively make a booking for a later date. Please let us know which option you would prefer.?Yours sincerelyРVocabulary? aircraft /plane 飞机? check in 办理登机手续(ID, passport, ticket or e-ticket)? boarding pass/card 登机牌? delay 航班延误? air traffic controller 空中交通管制员(空管)? baggage handler 行李管理员/分拣员? first/business/economy class 头等/商务/经济舱? flight attendant/cabin crew 空中乘务人员/机组人员? one way/round (return) trip ticket 单程/双程票РIII. Air Travel


