
急性化脓性扁桃体炎护理查房 图文

上传者:塑料瓶子 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:10 |  大小:1003KB

ern-style clothing color lays particular stress on emotion and pays attention to psychological adjustment.РPattern and ornaments:РChinese emphasizes color matching, pattern design, the effect of embroidery and the change of the clothing’s front piece, collar, sleeves, and buckles and so on. Western pays more attention to the lace and embroidery of the neck, chest and sleeves.РMaterial:РChinese clothing prefers silk, cotton, linen and co-hemp while the western one tends to use flax, wool, cotton and velvet.РStructure and Modeling:РThe structure of Chinese-style costume pletely planar, straight fortable. However, the structure of Western-style dress is stereo split type and suitable the body. Chinese clothing modeling is closed and implicative, western clothing modeling is open and revealed.


