)РT : Do you want to invite a friend ? Say “ Let’s invite .”РS2 : Thank you !Р2、How to make a decoration for the tree . Put up a big , cut out Christmas tree and ask each student to make a decoration for it . They can make any object they want as long as they can name it in English and write it on their decoration. When each student has finished, he or she says “Let’s invite ___. ___, e.” to indicate who e next.Р 3、Listen to the tape .Р 4、Read the text .Р 5、Let’s sing a carol !Р 6、Role – play to read the text .Р 7、Repeat low to put up the Christmas tree .Р(三)、class closingР 让学生每人说两句话,来表达过新年时将要邀请谁来家里,邀请他们来做什么,练习单词:invite。Р板书设计:РLesson 20 Christmas TreeРInvite lights gift song starР教学反思:Р让学生在在玩中学、在学中玩,这既符合孩子们乐于模仿与好玩的天性,又充分发挥了主观能动性与创造性,还调节了学习节奏。在愉快欢乐的气氛中,巩固了学到的语言知识,锻炼了运用语言的能力。