

上传者:读书之乐 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:19 |  大小:628KB

how等疑问词后面的on earth, in heaven, in the world等词组,可译成汉语“究竟”“到底”等词。Р(1). What on earth are you doing?Р(2). How in the world did she manage that?Р4. 用感叹句表强调РWhat a life!? 这过的是什么日子啊!Р感叹词:what, how省略了主谓语,要注意词序!Р5. 用倒装句表强调Р(1). On the table are some bowls.Р(2). Only in this way can you work out thye problem.Р(3). Hardly had he left when it began to rain? ? no sooner ... thanР6. so作“确实”表强调,非倒装Р(1). --- You were invited to the party, weren'yt you?? --- So I was. I'd forgotten.?(2). --- He won the championship ten years ago.? --- So he did.Р7. 用强调句型表强调Р我昨天晚上在街上见到他。РI saw him on the street last night.РIt was I that / who saw him on the street last night.РIt was him that / who I saw on the street last night.РIt was on the street that I saw him last night.РIt was last night that I saw him on the street.


