Р00:38 5 billionР01:00 6.7 billionР01:30 8 billionР05:49 10 billionРFinally:≧35 billionР19.1 billion: ?Stack up to 19000meters=23×Burj Dubai (828 meters) the world's tallest building ; ?It will takes 133 days to finish counting this money mon currency counting machines;?More than the GDP of Afghanistan.РHistoric Moment---10billion?05:49 11/11/2013Р2.РWhy did it happen?РPage: 9Р(1)Good Timing天时РSpecial meaning:? Due to the November 11, 2013 meeting just after the weekend , a large number of single or unmarried youth are more attracted by it, and it also improves the enthusiasm of participating in activities.РBusiness factors:? Annual Nov. & Dec.,most of the sellers would have a clearance sale to empty the warehouse and get the money back.So the sales in November is an important sale period.