Dynasties.?(Xia, Shang, Western Zhou ,Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, CaoWei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, Later Liang , Later Tang, Later Jin )РHistory and CulturesРHeluo CultureРFamous personsРTang Xuanzang?唐玄奘РLao Zi?老子РYuan Zhen?元稹РBai Juyi?白居易Р刘禹锡 Liu YuxiР范仲淹Fan ZhongyanР李贺 Li HeР2018/2/26Р5РDu Kang 杜康?Zhao Kuangyin? 赵匡胤?……РFamous placesРThe Longmen Grottoes(¥120)РFamous placesРName: ?Bai Juyi 白居易?Another name:?The Jushi of Xiang mount?香山居士РFamous placesРThe White Horse Temple?The first officially built monastery in ChinaРThe national FlowerРPeony?magnificent national beauty and heavenly fragranceРlocal delicacyРWater (水席) ?It concludes 24 dishes, including eight cold cuts, four bulky, in eight cases, four pressure tables dishes, hot and cold, indirectly, salty, hot and bination.