so it deserves to be a treasure of Chinese culture heritage.РHistoryРApplicationРProduction materialsРIt is stationery ,which is used to print on the document, indicating identification or signature.РstoneРmetalРotherРjadeРwoodРstoneРmetalРjadeРpolymerРwoodРSeal carving art has two highly developed historical stage.РOne is the Qin , Han , Wei , Jin Dynasties period.(秦汉魏晋)РSecond is since Ming and Qing , seal carving ushered in its second peak period of development.(明清以来)РMasterРThere are many famous masters , such as 邓石如,赵之谦,吴昌硕,齐白石and so on. РThey bine calligraphy(书法), methodicalness(章法), and knife skill(刀法).In one seal, there is heroic elegant calligraphy meaning , there is beautiful pleasing position , and more vivid carving charm. So it can say “ spectacular between Inches.“(方寸之间,自有天地)