Every one has a opinion about where he or she what to live the most, which is of course the same to me. For me, Singapore is the best place I’d like to live in.РA short intruductionРSingapore, officially the Republic of? Singapore, is an island country located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula.? ? Singapore is one of four remaining true city-states in the world. It is the smallest nation in Southeast Asia.Р中文名称:新加坡共和国?英文名称:Republic of Singapore?The Delta(所属洲):Asia?Capital: Singapore?The main city: Singapore?National Day :August 9, 1965?National Anthem :前进吧,新加坡!?Official language :English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil?Political system(政治体制):a parliamentary republic(议会制共和制)РPlaces of interest??here give you some beautiful pictureРSentosa(圣淘沙)