
国际贸易理论与实务双语教程第一章 国际贸易理论及政策

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e or imput trade.Р2.3 Transit Trade过境贸易РDuring the business between the country of production and the country of consumption, the transportation will be carried out usually through the third country while the third country charges for the transportation. Then the business is regarded as the transit trade by the third country. For instance, the business trade between the inland country and the non-neighboring countries has to pleted through the third country’s frontier, consequently the kind of business will be classified as the transit trade by the customs of the third country.Р3. Direct Trade, Indirect Trade, Entrepot Trade?直接贸易、间接贸易、转口贸易РDepending on whether the third party gets involved in the trade, international trade is classified into direct trade, indirect trade and entrepot trade.


