
欧洲文化入门Europe Culture4 Renaissance and Reformation

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iii) As a result there is a revival of interest in classical learning and new humanist ideas. Humanism = Man is at the centre of the world and not God…man more significant than God hence loss of power by church!!!РThe Rise of HumanismРi) Due to the increase in wealth caused by increased trade there was a new moneyed class with a new philosophy. Intellectuals who used to help train priests and spread Christianity focused their energy on providing these people with a philosophy. ?ii) Shakespeare accurately sums up humanist philosophy when he says in Hamlet:Р“What a piece of work is man; how noble in reason; how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable; in action how like an angel; in apprehension how like a god!” the replacing of God’s significance with that of man.


