的感觉,使人不禁生出一种遐想,似乎想要到那背景中去寻找远离城市污浊空气的清新中,去感受自然之美。? 再从人物形象来说。宫崎骏笔下的人物是全部采用手绘的方式创造出来的。人物(也包括动物)线条简洁明快,并不复杂,令人看后更觉简约朴实,贴近生活。这一切一切,都表现出宫崎骏对于自然与生活的热爱,也颇富有意义。РMiyazaki's films often incorporate recurrent themes like humanity's relationship to nature and technology, and the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic. Reflecting Miyazaki's feminism, the protagonists of his films are often strong, independent girls.РIn 1958 Japan, university professor Tatsuo ?Kusukabe and his two daughters, Satsuki and Mei move into anold house to be closer to the hospital where their mother. Yasuko is recovering from a long-term illness.РSatsuki and Mei find that the house is inhabited by tiny animateddust creatures called susuwatari — small, dark, dust-like house spirits seen when moving from light to dark places.