he Traffic ?accident of Hebei ?UniversityРPage 5РEnvy Jealousy and HateРNO.4Р羡慕嫉妒恨РExpression of a distinct, ?strong emotions?Indicates that people ?strongly broke down ?due to discontent ?increased.Р表达鲜明、强烈的情感?表示人因不满情绪的递增而?强烈到不能自持РPage 6РNO.5Р我勒个去РOh my GodРIt is an interjection, ?expressing their ?impatience, ?helplessness, ?no wayР它是个叹词,表示无奈,?无可奈何,没办法。相当?于“我晕”,“不是吧”的意思。РPage 7РThe large fashion movies show the situation of the society at present.?时尚大片表达的是社会现有的状况РThe theme of the TV shows and movies influence our idea.?电视剧和电影的主题影响我们的观念。РTV is very good to show a lot of the details of the life.?电视剧很好得展示很多生活的细节.РCommunicate with the latest TV movie dynamic, this is also the fashion.?一起交流最新的电视电影动态, 这也是时尚。РPage 8РTime-travel TV series穿越剧РPage 9Рnaked wedding fighting loveРPage 10