道下列动词的过去式吗??do ______ go ______ have _____ is_____?read______ see_______ write______РdidРwentРhadРwasРreadРsawРwroteР用括号内所给词的正确形式填空:? A monkey and a bird? Once upon a time, a monkey______ (carry) some bananas and______ (walk) in the forest. Then he_____ (hear) a beautiful song and _______ (stop). He_______ (want) to find who___ (be) singing. Finally he______(notice) a bird singing in the tree and said hello to the bird “You sing so beautiful, can you teach me?” The bird answer “Of course!” And then the monkey____ (give) a banana to the bird and sang with him together. They______ (be) happy that day.РwereРwalkedРwasРheardРcarriedРstoppedРwantedРnoticedРgaveРThink about what happened in the first half year of 2014?РThe plane was lost (disappeared) on March 8, 2014.Р关键词: MH370, lost, 2014,3.8