Chinese ZodiacР1、 Origin ?2、Sort Rank?3、Legend(传说)?4、The symbolize?5、Personality?6、The folk-customs?7、Beliefs ?8、literature and art?parison ?10、ConclusionРThe origin of Chinese ZodiacРThe Chinese Zodiac came into use in the Eastern Han Dynasty.РIt was first used in our western and northern nomad(游牧民族).РIt was bination of animal totems(图腾)and the 12 Earthly Branches(12地支) Han people used to designate years.РTen Heavenly Stems(十天干):? 甲(jiǎ)? 乙(yǐ)? 丙(bǐng)? 丁(dīng)? 戊(wù)? 己(jǐ)? 庚(gēng)? 辛(xīn)? 壬(rén)? 癸(guǐ)РSort RankРRatРOxРRabbitРtigerРSnakeРDragon