somebody or something.РWhat’s the difference? ?die?pass away?kick the bucketРDie is neutral, while pass away is an elevated word, used in serious and formal context, showing the speaker’s or writer’s reverence for the dead, and kick the bucket, a slang, is a vulgar word, expressing the speaker’s or writer’s contempt for the dead.Р4、同义词的辨析РModest and humble both indicate a lack of pride, but modesty is a virtue and humbleness is not. Humble often connotes undue self-depreciation.РDifferences in tone: ?mendatory?neutral?derogatory/derogativeР4、同义词的辨析РDifferences in collocation:РSome words have more or less the same denotation, but they are habitually used with certain words.РAnything wrong??a big number of people?a big amount/quantity of money?large courage/confidence/ability/wisdomР4、同义词的辨析