
高中英语必修5 Unit5 First aid-Warming up课件(人教新课标)

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:26 |  大小:1765KB

and find help . ?Try to start his/her breathing .Р3. When carrying out rescue breathing, how many times a minute should you blow air into the victim’s mouth?? A.4 B.8 C.15 D.20Р4. What is the most serious type of burn??A. first degree B. third degree?C. second degree D. all burns are seriousР5. A friend took a hot pan off the fire with her bare hands. Her fingers are red and blistered and extremely painful. What should you do for her?? A. tell her to put her fingers in her mouth ? B. take her to the doctor ? C. put butter on her fingers and wrap then in bandages? D. put her burned fingers under cool waterР6. How would you stop severe bleeding??cover the wound with plastic?wash the wound ?C. do nothing as the bleeding will stop by itself ?D. put a bandage over the wound and then press on it


